Facing the transparent and highly competitive market in modern world, numerous companies have invested in automated production line in order to reduce manufacturing costs and improve production efficiency and quality.
For the machining industry, to successfully execute production line automation heavily depends on the process of “material handling”, this makes the production line require to equip machine tending system to facilitate continuous delivery of workpieces to machine for uninterrupted manufacturing process. In the case of limited working space, machine tending system has to be compact and accommodate maximum quantity of workpieces. In response to these challenges, the two way drawer machine tending system has been designed out by many companies.
The two way drawer machine tending system needs to equip drawer slides with stable and minimal deflection features to ensure the efficiency of automatic loading and unloading process. Since Sliding Systems’ two way heavy duty slides are capable of carrying over 200kgs and performing less than 1% deflection rate, they are frequently applied to this field. These slides are able to slide front and rear in 100% extension, the structure is equipped with rocker device to allow sequential extension during two way travel, which prevents jamming when drawers move in both directions.
Regarding to more information or questions, we welcome you to send us email or call.
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